Madeleine Humphreys

Prof Madeleine Humphreys, Durham University
Professor and researcher in igneous petrology, volcanology and magmatism. Research interests are in understanding magma storage, evolution and migration within the crust using both natural materials and experimental approaches. Current research projects include (i) using crystal textures to understand and quantify magma solidifcation and the physical behaviour of crystal mushes, and (ii) volatiles in volcanic processes, including the timing of fluid exsolution and the enrichment and migration of metals in volcanic settings. I am always happy to hear from potential students or post-doctoral researchers interested in developing projects at Durham.
Dr David Colby
Postdoctoral Research AssociateKatie Schofield
PhD studentGemma Brown
PhD studentElla Richmond
PhD studentDr Martin Mangler
Visiting research fellowDr Charline Lormand
Visiting research fellowDr Alex Iveson
Visiting research fellow
Left: Rapid-quench cold-seal pressure vessels at Durham University (c Martin Mangler). Upper middle: crystallisation of plagioclase, amphibole and biotite in nodules from Mt Lamington (Papua New Guinea). Lower middle: in situ geochemical microanalysis using laser ablation ICP-MS. Right: fieldwork and sampling, Campi Flegrei, Italy (c Richard Brooker).